Hypospadias Surgery 


The urinary opening (urethral meatus) is located on the underside of the penis instead of at the tip. The meatus can be positioned anywhere from just under the tip of the penis to below the testicle sack (scrotum), so the severity of this abnormality varies. Hypospadias is associated with downward curvature of the penis on erection, which also varies depending on the location of the meatus.


Multiple techniques are used to correct hypospadias, depending on the severity of the abnormality and the preference of the surgeon. Most hypospadias procedures are successful, resulting in a normal looking and functioning penis.


Like any operation, complications are possible with hypospadias. Patients who need repairs made to a failed hypospadias procedure require a high level of expertise. Skin grafts and staged operations are often necessary to undo these deformities. With severe deformities, the staged split-thickness-skin graft urethroplasty repair has been very successful. Many adults, who had a hypospadias repair as a child, wish to improve the appearance of the penis, such as revising scars, eliminating a penoscrotal web, etc. These revisions can be very rewarding as they improve the patient’s self-esteem and confidence.

Patient-First Policy

Dr. Alter and the entire team are dedicated to providing every patient with exceptional individualized care—from consultation to recovery. We take the time to learn about your concerns, goals, and desires, so we can build a plan that addresses your concerns and gets you the
results you deserve.

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7th Floor
New York, NY 10016