Secondary Labia Reconstruction in New York City

Video link: Labiaplasty - Female Genital Surgery

Unfortunately for some, labiaplasty surgery does not always go as planned. Be it from an inexperienced surgeon or a difficult recovery, labiaplasty results can be less than ideal — even painful or disfiguring. This is where labiaplasty revision comes in.

Undergoing any plastic surgery procedure, especially labiaplasty, requires trust between the surgeon and the patient. This is especially true when a patient seeks a secondary procedure to fix the first result.

Dr. Alter and his team in New York City understand the hesitancy that may come from undergoing a secondary procedure, which is why they work with you throughout the process to make you as comfortable and confident as possible.

Dr. Alter is one of the most skilled and respected NYC labiaplasty surgeons — pioneering innovative techniques to provide his patients with beautiful results.

What Is Secondary Labia Reconstruction?

The goal of secondary labia reconstruction is to fine-tune or repair the labia minora from a previously incomplete or botched surgery. Depending on the reasons for labiaplasty revision, this procedure may involve reducing excess tissue, recreating over-resected tissue, or minimizing excessive or painful scarring to create the best result possible.

Am I a Good Candidate for Secondary Labia Reconstruction?

If you have experienced a botched labiaplasty and have painful scarring or over-excised labia or are simply unhappy with the results, you may be a candidate for secondary labia reconstruction with Dr. Alter.

Many women go through the uncomfortable experience of a botched surgery and simply live with the undesirable results. You don’t have to! Dr. Alter can repair and reconstruct your labia to give a normal or near-normal appearance using various techniques, most of which he invented.

A successful labiaplasty revision and reconstruction typically depends on the amount of labia minora and clitoral hood tissue remaining, since this tissue is needed to replace the absent or damaged areas (in cases of over-resection).

Dr. Alter can determine your eligibility for a secondary procedure during your consultation.

Why Should I Choose Dr. Alter for My Secondary Labia Reconstruction?

Dr. Alter is double-board certified in plastic surgery and urology, giving him unmatched knowledge in both aesthetics and genital anatomy. With decades of experience, he has applied his skill in more ways than providing patients with excellent results — his research has led to multiple publications and the development of surgical techniques for labiaplasty and labiaplasty revision, which have been adopted by plastic surgeons worldwide.

In 2011, he published the first and only major medical paper on the reconstruction of botched labiaplasties in the prestigious journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, detailing his development of clitoral hood flaps along with other techniques. His labiaplasty technique, the Alter wedge, is used in his primary labiaplasty procedures and many of his reconstructions to ensure ideal healing and aesthetic results.

Aside from his surgical skill, experience, and keen innovations, Dr. Alter maintains a patient-centered philosophy, and your concerns and goals are at the forefront of the process, ensuring your comfort from consultation to recovery.

How Does Dr. Alter Perform Secondary Labia Reconstruction?

Secondary labia reconstruction techniques vary significantly from patient to patient. Patients will have different concerns, goals, and varying degrees of remaining tissue.

Dr. Alter may employ any number of the following techniques for your labiaplasty revision:

  • The remaining clitoral hood or labial tissue reconstructs the deformed or absent labium/labia caused by a botched labiaplasty. These complex plastic surgical techniques require moving tissues around without injuring the blood supply.
  • To correct the gap in an overly removed labium, Dr. Alter cuts the gap out and brings the normal-sized edges together. This is similar to small wedge excisions.
  • If one or both labia are absent, Dr. Alter can often make new labia out of the sides of the clitoral hood. He invented this complicated technique, called a clitoral hood flap(s), which is often the only viable option to create a normal labium.
  • For a scarred or scalloped labium, Dr. Alter will remove the scarred tissue and precisely suture the area for a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing result.
  • Minor deformities may be improved by injecting fat into small labia.
  • A hanging clitoral hood or clitoral frenulum may be reattached surgically.
  • A large clitoral hood may be reduced by repositioning the clitoris and removing extra skin with a clitoropexy procedure, which was invented by Dr. Alter..

What Type of Anesthesia Is Used During Secondary Labia Reconstruction?

Your labiaplasty revision will be performed under general anesthesia for your comfort. In some cases, the procedure can be performed under sedation with a local anesthetic.

What Are the Risks of Secondary Labia Reconstruction?

Labia revision surgery is a nuanced and challenging procedure, so it should only be performed by a highly experienced and skilled surgeon like Dr. Alter. Every surgery carries some risk, but Dr. Alter takes every precaution to ensure your safety. If your labia are not adequately reduced, the Alter wedge method reduces some of the more common risks associated with the trim method, such as painful or unsightly scarring.

During your consultation with Dr. Alter, disclose any underlying health conditions and discuss your concerns.

Undergoing a secondary operation can be stressful, but with the care and skill of Dr. Alter, you can rest assured you are in the absolute best hands. Your labiaplasty revision can finally give you the comfort, confidence, and results you should have received the first time.

How Long Does Secondary Labia Reconstruction Take?

The length of your procedure will depend entirely on the specific technique Dr. Alter uses and the extent of revision necessary. If your revision requires the reconstruction of labia tissue using the clitoral hood or other tissues, the procedure may be longer.

Dr. Alter can give you an estimate during your consultation once he creates a treatment plan specific to your needs.

What Is the Secondary Labia Reconstruction Recovery Process?

The secondary labia reconstruction recovery process is usually relatively painless. Most women with botched labiaplasties had a very long and painful recovery, but that will not be the situation with your reconstruction procedure. Dr. Alter will provide detailed aftercare instructions to help you achieve the safest and most effective results.

As with your initial labiaplasty, your secondary labiaplasty recovery requires avoiding sexual intercourse for at least six weeks or until cleared by Dr. Alter.

Will Secondary Labia Reconstruction Leave Scars?

Scar reduction is often a reason to undergo the procedure. While this procedure can eliminate significant or painful scarring, it cannot make all scarring disappear. Like all surgical procedures, there will be visible scars. However, Dr. Alter takes great care to create precise incisions that will not result in large, painful scars. His suturing technique also allows for a smoother, more natural result that will minimize the visibility of scarring.

Frequently Asked Questions About Secondary Labia Reconstruction

How much is secondary labia reconstruction in New York City?

The cost of labia reconstruction surgery in New York City will vary depending on the extent of revision and the specific treatment plan Dr. Alter creates for you. During your consultation, he will happily provide an accurate cost estimate.

While you may be unsure about paying for another procedure to remedy the first, it’s crucial to remember that choosing an experienced and compassionate plastic surgeon can give you peace of mind that a cheaper option may not.

Dr. Alter has been perfecting this procedure for almost 30 years. You deserve the best for your second labiaplasty — with Dr. Alter, that’s what you’ll get.

Will the results of my secondary labia reconstruction look natural?

Yes. Dr. Alter’s techniques were created to reconstruct the natural appearance of the labia minora and clitoral hood. Depending on the extent of revision, your labia will look as natural as possible under Dr. Alter’s care.

Is secondary labia reconstruction permanent?

Yes. Barring subsequent changes to your body, such as childbirth, pregnancy, weight gain, and aging, you can enjoy the beautiful results of your secondary labiaplasty for years to come. Dr. Alter can help restore your confidence and comfort with your body again.

How soon after my first labiaplasty can I see Dr. Alter for revision?

Dr. Alter will be able to assess your eligibility for a secondary procedure even if your first surgery was recent. However, he will generally not perform revision surgery until you are at least five months after your last procedure, so that you will be fully healed. The wait allows the tissues to soften, and the blood supply to regenerate.

What are my options as an out-of-town patient?

Many out-of-town patients email photos to Dr. Alter before scheduling a phone consultation to discuss the surgical plan. The day before your surgery, you will meet with Dr. Alter and his team to discuss any questions or concerns. After surgery, you should plan to stay in New York for another two to five days to make sure your recovery is going well depending on the required procedure.


Patient-First Policy

Dr. Alter and the entire team are dedicated to providing every patient with exceptional individualized care—from consultation to recovery. We take the time to learn about your concerns, goals, and desires, so we can build a plan that addresses your concerns and gets you the
results you deserve.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

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